Saturday, August 23, 2008

What is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

Since you are going to be an affiliate you are probably wondering what your main role
is? How is it possible to send traffic to a merchant website and get paid commissions on sales that you help generate?

There are a number of ways to generate traffic, but the fastest way to get results is to pay for advertising. When you visit and do a search, you will most likely see a list of boxes on the right hand side of the screen. These boxes are called sponsored links, and advertisers are paying Google to put their ads there. There isn’t a set cost to have an ad placed, as your cost depends on how many people click on your ad.

When a web surfer does a search and clicks on a sponsored listing, it costs the advertiser money. How much? It depends on how much they are bidding on the term that the surfer typed into the Google search box as well as other factors that we will speak about in this guide.

So what do sponsored links have to do with you, the affiliate? As an affiliate it is your
responsibility to get people to visit the merchant site. Advertising in Google is a great way to do this.

Enter the world of Pay-Per-Click advertising (PPC). You sign up with Google Adwords (their advertising network), and create ads that will be shown in the Google search results. You will only pay Google when someone clicks on your ad. Hence why this type of advertising is called Pay-Per-Click.

related topic Free Adwords Pay Per Click Guide for Download